Thursday, May 22, 2008

DIY Wifi Jammer

Here is something you all should have in your tool-kit: The Wave Bubble Wifi Jammer. Although the instructions can be pretty tough at times the end result is well worth it. Make sure you have a steady hand and access to allot of different electrical parts before approaching this project.

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Picking Kryptonite Evolution 2000 Locks

An old an infamous trick that everyone should be aware of. This method allows us to open Kryptonite Evolution 2000 locks with a bic pen.

First, take a bic pen and pull the front writing part out so that you just have the tube. Cut 4 small notches in the bottom of the pen so that it will fit in the lock (this depends on the pen you are using). Simply twist the pen and the lock should pop open.

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Breaking U Locks

Ah, yes, the U lock. With it's many (in)securities it is a popular lock for bikes. This method we will show is what is known as a "Brute Force" method. We will literally be breaking the lock.

The first thing to acquire is a simple car jack. Insert the car jack between the U-lock and the bike rack or whatever it is locked to. Now carefully crank the jack putting pressure on the U-Lock. The lock will soon deform and break, opening the lock. Be sure the end of the lock doesnt fire out at you when it breaks off!

Bump Keys

I hope you aren't under the impression that we here at M-C think these are new techniques. We're not stupid; we know these have been around for ages. The reason we post them is because they still work. Anyway, on with the show.

A Bump Key is simply a key that has had all of the valleys and peeks (the edges on the key) filed to the 999 (maximum depth) enabling it to kick up the pins above the sheer-line of the lock when you hit it.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How To (Properly) Use a Slim-Jim

This one is for all the auto thieves out there.
This is a great walk through on how to properly maneuver and use a slim-jim. It is a well known fact that if you use them incorrectly you can severely fuck up the wiring inside the door and then you wont be able to open it at all!

For anyone who does already have a Slim-Jim you can purchase them at just about any automotive store.

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Quick Vibrating Lock-Pick

This is an old one but still a good one. If you pick locks you either already have this or you should really read the links. Invent Geek has made an article on how to make a vibrating pick gun out of a Oral B Humming Bird flossing thing. It'll run you about $10 for the Humming Bird but other than that it's just putting a pick in the end.

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Mischief Committee Blog Opening


Welcome to the Mischief Committee official blog. The purpose of this website is to cover all things from lock picking (bumping, safe cracking, hot-wiring) to hacking (techniques, tricks). Hopefully we will eventually have people submit things to the blog to be posted.

All information provided on the blog is for educational purposes only. Viewer discretion is advised.
